Love and mercy full movie directv
Love and mercy full movie directv

love and mercy full movie directv

Thank You for stopping by, today is Day 7 of True Spirituality a Devotional by Chip Ingram Becoming a Romans 12 Christian. Hope you enjoy this episode please subscribe and share and leave a comment. Let's pray that we do not let our differences be a barrier from sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and His wonderful gift of Salvation and Mercy to ALL PEOPLE.

love and mercy full movie directv

The Church has to be the example for the world to see. Peter had to be shown that God's message has to be shared with ALL PEOPLE from every background, race, origin, culture, gender. This symbolizes the different cultures and races that are apart of the entire world we live in. Peter was sent a vision from God of ceremonially unclean animals on a sheet spread out from heaven from all four corners. Peter like some of us was not familiar with going to minister to someone who was not from the same background He was from. Cornelius was a God-fearing man and was devout but did not know about Jesus Christ and the message of salvation. We read the story of the apostle Peter, God had a mission for Him, He was preparing Peter to meet with a Roman Officer named Cornelius. In this episode I read from Day 5 of Good New For All People a Devotional in the YouVersion Bible App by John M Perkins. Good Day to you all! Thank You for tuning in to this episode. For donations to my podcast here’s where you can send a gift of any size whatever God places on your heart to give freely for expanding the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Hope you enjoy this episode please subscribe and share. This year send an old fashioned letter to someone perhaps a friend, your Son or Daughter, Mother or Father or your Spouse, see what kind of response or reaction you get. A letter takes time and effort and as you write it takes thought from your heart. I know writing letters is “old fashioned” these days especially in the time of technology texting through phone or FaceTime. Hey Everyone Thanks for tuning in! In this episode is titled “It’s A Wonderful Life”, do you remember this classic movie? I read an opening quote from the late legendary actor and entertainer Bob Hope about “loving others” how do you express yourself to others? Do they know how you feel about them? Is it genuine? And is your expression more than what is described in a Christmas Card? I’ve learned that sometimes writing a letter is the best form of communicating your feelings of how much you care about those you love. Hope you enjoy this episode please subscribe and share God Bless You All!! For those who would like to donate to this ministry here's the donation link, any amount will do, this is going for the ongoing efforts of spreading the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that many around the world can hear it. Prayer has so many benefits to our spiritual growth and relationship with God, we are cutting ourselves short when we do not pray on a regular basis. The quote in this episode was spot on, "The magic of Christmas is not the presents but His PRESENCE!! I like a lot of you enjoy the gift giving of the Holiday but too often we miss the real reason for the Christmas Season and that is JESUS! Throughout this year a challenge you to get closer to Jesus, spend quality time with the Lord and remember if Jesus had to go and pray to the Heavenly Father how much more should we be doing the same. Hey Everyone!! Thanks for tuning in, today's episode I read from Day 6 of the YouVersion Devotional entitled Merry and Bright Celebrating Christmas Everyday.

Love and mercy full movie directv